Membership in the Middle Tennessee Hosta Society is open to any person who wishes to support the purpose of the Society. Membership is $15/year per household.

We did not collect dues for two years during covid, but are ready to go back to having dues and an official membership for our society. Dues collected now are good all through 2023, but we encourage those interested to pay their dues as soon as convenient. Dues are $15. You can pay dues at any society event (such as the garden tour at Mark's home on June 25th, or the meeting on August 27th) or mail your dues to our treasurer, Carole Parrish. Please include the information below, with your check for $15 made to MTHS. Benefits of membership include: communications through newsletter, discount at the annual plant sale, voting privileges at meetings, and the opportunity for free admission to the Nashville Lawn and Garden show with working a shift in our booth.