Middle Tennessee Hosta  Society

Hosta Show

June 4-5, 2011

Potter Room of Cheekwood Botanic Hall, Nashville, TN


Saturday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Sunday, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Show Open to the Public


This Hosta Show is Accredited by The American Hosta Society


Show Committee:

Show Chair: Donna Priester

Show Co-Chair: Steve Cunningham

Staging & Properties: Steve Cunningham

Classification: Carole Parrish

Awards: Judith Inman

Tabulation: John O’Connor

Judges: Cornelia Holland

Placement: Joan Maloney

Clerks: Colleen Teet

Schedule: Cornelia Holland

Membership: Virginia Gregory-Kocaj

Design Chair: Pam Braun

Registration: Don & Anne Krantz

Exhibitor Assistance: Ann Gordy


General Show Rules


1.  Anyone who wishes to exhibit may do so.  However, section and higher awards are limited to AHS members.  Any exhibitor who is not an AHS member and wins a section or higher award will be asked to become an AHS member.  If the winner refuses membership, the Show Chair may either present the award to the next qualified entry or leave the award vacant.

2.  Entries will be received from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Friday, June 3rd and from 8 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 4th.  Entries received after 8:30 a.m. will be placed in a non-competitive exhibit area without exception.  Judging will begin at 9 a.m.  All entries must remain in place until 3 pm. Sunday, June 5, 2011.  Entries must be removed by 3:30 p.m. Sunday afternoon.  Entries remaining after 3:30 p.m. will be disposed of by the Staging Committee.  Entry tags, ribbons and awards may also be claimed from 3 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.  Show Chair keeps all unclaimed ribbons for collection at a later date - contact Show Chair for unclaimed ribbons. 

3.  Entry tags must be properly completed by the exhibitor.  Incorrect entry tag information will be corrected by the Classification Committee and entries may be disqualified at the discretion of the Classification Committee.

4.  During the time of judging, only the Show Chair, Classification Chair, Judges Chair, Judges, and Clerks are permitted in the immediate judging areas. 

5.  Divisions I - Horticulture, II-Container Grown Hosta, III-Trough/Container Gardens Arranged For Effect and IV-Educational Displays will be judged by panels of three or more American Hosta Society judges including one Master Judge per panel.  The American Hosta Society Point Scoring System will be used to break a tie in judging major awards.  Each panel of judges will be the final authority of each class it judges. 

6.  Division VI-Artistic Design will be judged by Federated Garden Club Judges.

7.  All decisions of the judges are final.

8.  Care will be taken, but no responsibility shall be incurred by any person, group, or organization for any accidents, damages, injuries, thefts, or omissions or commissions of any kind or nature from this show. 

9.  All registered cultivars and species shall either be listed in the current year’s AHS Hosta Show Classification list or shall have had registration data recorded in an official publication of the American Hosta Society by the date of the show in order to be considered registered for show purposes.

10.  For all show divisions, provided entries score the minimum points, each sub-class (or class if there are no sub-classes or section if there are no classes) is allowed the awarding of only one blue, one red, one yellow, and one white ribbon.  In Division I, Sections I-V and Section XI, each registered cultivar or species constitutes a separate name sub-class.  Each seedling or sport entry in Sections VI-X is a separate sub-class and is eligible for any ribbon.  For Section XII, each unregistered named cultivar constitutes a separate name sub-class within each alphabetical letter class. 

11.  Division I-Horticulture (Cut leaf)

Containers will be provided by the Minnesota Hosta Society.

Bloom scapes are not permitted in this division.

Sections I-V (Registered Cultivars and Species), XI (Youth Exhibits) and XII (Unregistered Named Cultivars) require ONE leaf per entry.  Sections VI - X require TWO leaves per entry.  Sports shall be indicated on the entry tag as “Sport of (Name of Cultivar).”  Seedlings shall be indicated on the entry tag as “Seedling (Hybridizer’s Identifying Number),” “Seedling of Hosta X * Hosta Y” or other similar epithet. 

An exhibitor may enter more than one horticultural specimen in a single class provided each entry is of a different variety.  All entries must have been grown by the exhibitor.  A maximum of 20 entries per exhibitor shall be allowed. 

Persons placing entries in Section XI-Youth Exhibits must be 18 years or age or younger as of the date of the show. 

All leaves entered should be representative of the plant as a whole and should be taken from plants at or approaching maturity. 

12.  Division II - Container Grown Hosta

Container-grown hostas must have been grown by the exhibitor and must be established in the containers in which they are grown.  Only registered cultivars or hosta species may be exhibited in this division and only one hosta may be grown in each container.  Container and plant must be clean.  The plant should be centered in the container.  Inner containers or container liners are allowed but must not be visible.  Only one type of ground cover material is allowed per container.  Ground covers may be any natural non-living material such as bark chips or stones, or an indigenous moss of one variety only. 

 13.  Division III - Trough/Container Gardens Arranged for Effect

 Self-contained trough or container gardens of any size may be entered for judging as an arrangement.

 Multiple varieties of hostas and other plant material may be used.  Hostas must be a strong focal point of the entry. No artificial plant material is allowed.  Plants and container must be clean.  Accessories are permitted. 

 Individual plants need not be identified.  However, if the exhibitor would like to identify the material, an identification ledger card to the side of the exhibit is acceptable.

 14.  Division IV - Educational Displays

 Educational displays must pertain to hostas.

 15.  Division V - Non-Competitive Exhibits

 Entries in this division are not judged.  The exhibit may be a single cut leaf, a hosta bloom scape, a container grown plant, or any other display deemed to be of interest to the show observers.  However, the plant material must be hosta predominant, the exhibit must be tastefully presented, and the material must be in good condition.  The Show Chair may refuse placement of any exhibit that does not meet these requirements.

 16.  Division VI - Artistic Design

 Artistic Design Rules

 Hosta leaves must predominate in the design. Hosta blooms are permitted as well as stems, branches, foliage, fruit, buds and/or blossoms of other genera.  Dried plant material may be painted or otherwise treated. No artificial flowers, fruit or foliage may be used. Contrived flowers made from hosta leaves are permitted.  Plant material need not be grown by the exhibitor, but design work must be solely the work of the exhibitor.

 Classes are open to all amateur arrangers.  An exhibitor may make one  entry per class.  The exhibitor need not grow the plant material  but the design must be the work of the exhibitor. 

 Staging for all classes will be tables 30" deep covered with black cloths. The background for all design classes will be a concrete aggregate wall. Overlays and accessories are permitted but should not exceed dimensions of design space allowed per class rules

 Designs may be  placed on Friday afternoon from 3 p.m. until 7 p.m.  The designs must be removed at the close of the show, Sunday at 3 p.m.

 Judging will begin at 9 a.m.  on Saturday.   The Artistic Design arrangements will be available for public viewing during all hours indicated for the Hosta Show, see above. 

 To pre-register, contact the Design Chair, Pam Braun at Braun3@earthlink.net.

 A panel of two accredited judges from the Federated Garden Club of Tennessee will judge this division.

 In each class, the designer is asked to interpret the class title.   

 17.  Division VII - Specialty Division- Not applicable to this show.



 Section I - Giant-Leaved Registered Cultivars and Species

Section II - Large-Leaved Registered Cultivars and Species

Section III - Medium-Leaved Registered Cultivars and Species

Section IV - Small-Leaved Registered Cultivars and Species

Section V - Miniature-Leaved Registered Cultivars and Species

Section VI - Giant-Leaved Unregistered Sports and Seedlings

Section VII - Large-Leaved Unregistered Sports and Seedlings

Section VIII - Medium-Leaved Unregistered Sports and Seedlings

Section IX - Small-Leaves Unregistered Sports and Seedlings

Section X - Miniature-Leaved Unregistered Sports and Seedlings

Section XI - Youth Exhibits of Registered Cultivars and Species

                        Displayed in Alphabetical Order

Section XII - Unregistered Named Hosta Cultivars

                        Displayed in Alphabetical Order

     Entries in Sections I-X are to be displayed using the following Color Classes:

Class 1 - Green (All Shades)

Class 2 - Blue (All Shades)

Class 3 - Yellow (All Shades)

Class 4 - White Margined

        a. Yellow, White, or Chartreuse

        b. Green to Blue Center

Class 5 - Yellow Margined

        a. Yellow, White, or Chartreuse Center

        b. Green to Blue Center

Class 6 - Green or Blue Margined

        a. Yellow, White, or Chartreuse Center

        b. Green to Blue Center (distinct from the margin color)             

Class 7 - Streaked or Mottled

Class 8 - Others (Including early season variants)


Section I - Container Displays Not Exceeding a Total Height or Width of 18 Inches

Section II - Container Displays with Height or Width of Greater Than 18 Inches



Section I Concrete Composite

Section II Ceramic, Terra Cotta, Bronze and Other Metals

Section III Plastics and all Man-Made Materials.

Section IV Natural Materials, Stone, Wood, Baskets, etc.





Class I: A Little Bit Mad

A small design which includes small or miniature hosta leaves. Dimensions of design may be no larger than 8" in any direction.

Class II: I'm Hosta Crazy!

A creative design which includes one or more hosta leaves (fresh or dried) used in an abstract manner such as folding, rolling, twisting, cutting, weaving or otherwise manipulating.

Space allowed for design will be up to 30" wide by 30" deep. There is no height limitation.

Class III: Orient Me

A design done in an oriental style. Space allowed for design will be up to 30" wide by 30" deep. There is no height limitation.


Show Awards


Best of Show - Horticulture - Awarded to the best entry in Division I - Horticulture and is selected from the section winners in Sections I-V and Section XI.  (Please note that entries in Section XII - (Unregistered Names Cultivars are not eligible to receive this award.)  This award is a large tripe streamer purple and white rosette ribbon.

Best Seedling or Sport Award- Awarded to the best entry in Division I - Horticulture and is selected from the section winners in Sections VI-X.  This award is a large triple streamer green and white rosette ribbon.

Best Artistic Design Award- Awarded to the best entry in Division VI - Artistic Design.  This award is chosen from the Best of Class winners in the division.  The award is a large triple streamer pink and white rosette ribbon.

Sweepstakes Award- Awarded to the exhibitor who wins the largest number of blue ribbons in Division I - Horticulture.  (In case of a tie, count red ribbons, then yellow ribbons if necessary to break the tie.) 

Grand Awards - Awarded to the best entries in Division II - Container Grown Hosta, Division III-Trough/Container Gardens Arranged for Effect, Division IV - Educational Display and Division VI - Artistic Design.  In order to win, entries must have scored 95 points.  For Divisions II and III, Grand Awards will be chosen from the Section Award winners.  These awards are medium triple streamer purple rosette ribbons.

Section Awards - Awarded to the Best of section winners in divisions containing sections.  All Section Award winners must have scored at least 95 points.  These awards are medium single streamer blue ribbons. 

Class Awards - Awarded to Best of Class winners in divisions containing classes.  All class award winners must have scored at least 95 points.  These awards are single streamer green ribbons. 

The following ribbon awards are awarded in accordance with rules set forth by the American Hosta Society. 

First PlaceBlue Ribbons- Entries must score 90 or more points to receive this award.

Second PlaceRed Ribbons- Entries must score 85 or more points to receive this award.

Third PlaceYellow Ribbons- Entries must score 80 or more points to receive this award.

Fourth PlaceWhite Ribbons- Entries must score 75 or more points to receive this award. 

American Hosta Society

Point Scales for Judging Hosta


Registered Cultivars and Species

Division I, Sections I-V and Section XI

Form15Size15Color and Pattern25Texture15Substance15Condition and Grooming15Total100

Trough/Container Gardens Arranged for Effect Division III

Variety20Condition30Arrangement30Container Relative to Arrangement20Total Points100

Unregistered Names Hosta Cultivars Division I, Section XII                                                         





Color and Pattern






Condition and Grooming


Total Points


 Educational Displays  Division IV

Educational Value

Theme, Originally, Materials




Arrangement, Attractiveness,



Total Points


Unregistered Sports and Seedlings

Division I, Sections VI-X

Distinction50Form and Size10Color and Pattern10Texture10Substance10Condition and Grooming10Total Points100

Non-Competitive Exhibits Division V Not Judges - No Scale of Points

Container Grown Hosta

Division II





Color and Pattern






Condition and Grooming




Total Points


Artistic Design Division VI

Conformance20Design42Artistic Concept12Expression10Distinction16Total Points100


Membership Information


Middle Tennessee Hosta Society (MTHS)

Meetings are traditionally held at Cheekwood Botanic Gardens January through May and August through October and are open to the public.  Garden tours and a holiday party are members-only events.  MTHS will host the American Hosta Society at the Nashville Airport Marriott June 13-16, 2012.  For more information and upcoming programs, see: www.mths-hosta.org or contact Cornelia Holland, 615-794-4153


The American Hosta Society (AHS)

Membership in the American Hosta Society offers participation in all national activities including a National Convention; a subscription to The Hosta Journal and access to the members’ section of the web site.  For more information, see:  www.hosta.org




— Quote Source