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MTHS Meeting with Speaker, Clive Lodge

Our speaker will be Clive Lodge and his topic will be Improving Your Soil Structure: Fertilizing and Feeding. Clive was trained in England and held a head gardener position throughout the country for decades. He moved to America as head gardener for Oscar De La Renta's country estate. His work has been featured in many books and magazines. Clive presently works as an advisor and consultant.

The meeting will held on Thursday, January 25, 2024, from 10:00 AM to noon in room 200 at Woodmont Christian Church, 3601 Hillsboro Pike in Nashville, TN. To find room 200, come to the part of the church that fronts on Hillsboro Road, but is on the side closer to Woodmont Blvd., cross a bridge from the parking lot, enter the building, and turn left.

A short business meeting will follow.

October 26

MTHS Meeting with Speaker, Steve Cunningham

May 11

MTHS Plant Sale