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MTHS Meeting with Speaker, Steve Cunningham

Please put the following date on your calendar. Thursday, October 26, from 10:00-11:30 AM, Rm 200, at the Woodmont Christian Church. Our speaker will be Steve Cunningham and his topic will be the 2023 American Hosta Society Convention Field of Hosta Dreams, in Ames Iowa.

Seed Give-Away

We will have a Seed Give-Away and a Plant Swap from 10:00 to 10:30. Bring any seeds that you want to share. There will be some hosta seeds available with suggested directions for planting and raising them. Purple coneflower and zinna will be seeds available. Want to try something unusual? Try growing Four-O-Clocks (an old-fashioned, sun-loving flower that blooms in August) Hearts-a-bustin' (a native shade bush with unusual seed pods) or Paw Paw trees.

Snack-size baggies and markers will be available. You can select some seeds that you want, put them in baggies, and label them. You don't need to bring seeds to participate.

Plant Swap

If you want to participate in the plant swap, which is optional, bring a plant (or two) that you want to give away. Hosta are wonderful, of course, but other perennial plants are fine, too. Please label, and include the cultivar if you know it. It can be in a pot, which is preferred, but bare-root is also acceptable. If you bring a plant to participate in the swap, you will write your name on a piece of paper. Names will be drawn to see who has the “first pick” of the plant you want to take home. This is a great opportunity to thin out wonderful plants that have grown too abundantly in your garden, and maybe you can take home something new from another garden.

August 26

MTHS Meeting and Presentation by Bob Solberg

January 25

MTHS Meeting with Speaker, Clive Lodge